User activity monitoring, work time and application usage tracking

Solution that allows organizations to monitor user activity and work time. Check what applications are used the most, by how many users, and for how long exactly.

Secure and optimized enterprise-grade solution (with existing deployments e.g. in banking sector, for 12000 workstations), available for organizations of all sizes (cloud, or on-premise). 

Track work time and analyze application usage

Easily verify work time and what applications are used the longest and most frequently in your organization. You can access organization-wide application usage times, a per-department view, or even access data of individual employees’ application access patterns and activity times.

Identify unused software

Easily detect software that’s installed, but not being used by employees. Use this data to optimize license/subscription purchasing decisions, and reduce software costs.

Identify outdated application versions

Easily detect software versions and spot outdated software. Ensure that critical applications, e.g. web browsers, are always up-to-date with latest security fixes.

Define scope of data visible

Access to reports can be granted as different levels - view all data in the organization, view department-level data, or even data regarding a particular employee.


Monitoring is performed via a small software package (agent), deployed on end users workstations. It’s completely transparent and invisible to the user and has no noticeable effect on performance or resource usage.

Application usage

The solution allows organizations to quickly verify employees’ activity times, and application usage, on a per-hour basis. You can discover that during certain hours of the day, employees focus their attention on a subset of apps, and check if actual employee activity during certain hours is as expected.

Data is collected regarding regular applications started on the workstation, via WWW, or via Citrix/RDS.

Activity / Inactivity

There might not be an active application on a workstation - screen could be locked, or a remote session could be disconnected. Such data is also collected and available.

Optionally - if user is idle on the workstation (no keyboard/mouse activity) for over 10 minutes, it could be also interpreted as period of inactivity.

Average activity times

Compare average activity / work time over time.

Hourly activity times

Check, during what hours employees utilize the applications the most.

By default data from 9am to 5am is presented, but data but any hour range can be accessed.

Hourly activity in applications 

Detailed breakdown of at what times (a per-hour view) employees utilize what apps.


Filter the data to be shown - show only information about particular set of applications, e.g. internal web applications only.

Applications usage - e.g. Office

Learn how much time users spend working in various apps, e.g. in Office apps like Excel, Word, Outlook, or Teams.

Check number of users by date, by app, by version.

Application versions

Check if users utilize the latest, and most secure versions of a given app. For example, check the Chrome versions used throughout organizations - by computer count.

Easily detect outdated software, which could be a security risk, and which should be updated ASAP.


A set of built-in reports, and the possibility to customize (or build entirely new ones) during deployment.


Access data from Excel/PowerBI

Thanks to ODBC support, data access is possible using well known tools, like Excel or PowerBI.

Scope of data analyzed

Access data at a specific granularity/level.
Browse through data for entire organization, grouped by department, or other attributes.

Data access privileges

Report access privileges can be defined on a per-department level. A given user can be give the privileges to access organizational-wide data, only data from their department, or even only their own personal data.

Views can be enabled that only present names and versions of applications used, without exposing activity time or user names. This can be perfect if such information should be accessible to certain teams (e.g. IT Helpdesk), but some aspects (e.g. activity times, or user names) should not be visible.

Friendly names/grouping

It's possible to adjust the application names displayed on the reports. In case one application can be accessed via multiple addresses/names, it's possible to define a friendly name and/or grouping, e.g.:
  • Display as one single entry Jira:
    • Jira
  • Display as one single entry Remote Access:
    • Remote Desktop Connection Manager
    • ConfigMgr Remote Control Viewer
    • Chrome Remote Desktop

Database used for reports

Data is stored in a ClickHouse database (OLAP DBMS) in a non-aggregated manner. This means any report can be generated, as opposed to only reports presenting pre-aggregated data.

Support for ODBC - apart from web interface, data can be accessed using regular tools like Excel or PowerBI Desktop.

Single user working on multiple workstations

The solution analyzes data about each of the logon sessions, but activity time will be accounted for only once. Thanks to this you can see the full picture of users’ activity, even despite work being spread over multiple hosts. If work is done on an RDP/Citrix server where no agent is deployed, an entry about “Remote Access” will be presented, instead of details of the application running within this session.


The solution consists of:

  • An agent, that’s installed on workstations (Windows) and Citrix/RDS servers
  • Server-side backend components (on-premise, or in the cloud):
    • Web application (access to reports, only for users granted such access)
    • Components that process the data and make it accessible to the reports
    • Components that gather user-related data from Active Directory


Agent is a small software package that’s invisible to the user, so it doesn’t impact their work in any way. It’s possible to hide the entry about this software being installed in the Control Panel. The agent is small and users very little memory and CPU cycles. Network traffic generated by this software is also negligible (less than 1MB per working day).
Data can be also gathered when workstation is offline and has no access to the network. In such case, the data will be stored locally on the workstation in a small temporary database and will be sent to the server later.
The agent has also an alerting component built in – it can notify administrators and users that computer is very low on disk space, which could impact data collection and storage.

Supported operating systems

  • Windows 7 64-bit oraz 32-bit
  • Windows 10 64-bit oraz 32-bit
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019

Work time tracking solution that measures team performance

The solution makes it easier to oversee team’s performance and where time is actually spent. It helps the management see how users really work, while retaining privacy. Our solution gathers various data regarding application use – date/hour, how many seconds exactly the software was active – both for apps running locally, as well as for Remote Desktop/Citrix and web-based apps.

You will learn what software versions are actually utilized in your organization, and you can detect and eliminate undesirable software and can optimize licensing costs. Team’s activities can be measured and verified.